Do you know what you are?
You are what you is
You is what you am
A cow don’t make ham
You ain’t what you’re not
So see what you got
You are what you is
And that’s all it is
You Are What You Is – Frank Zappa
Most of God’s creations shine, reflecting the glory of God just by being what they were created to be – naturally luminous. However, Jehovah’s greatest creation, humankind, unconsciously smother themselves with layers of dark lies that block out the Divine Light (see Revealing the Hurt 3).
But what if we didn’t do that? If you have been following along, you know that you don’t have to. You’ve learned that you are not your false mind (ego), that there was never anything wrong with you, and you’ve partnered with Christ to keep you that way.
Your Life Story is nullified, tossed into the dust bin, along with all the roots of your fears that it contained. And you’ve made peace with yourself and now rest in the peace of your Savior. You can finally remove your mask and live as the real, wonderful you (see Climbing Out of the Shell, Climbing Out of the Shell 2, Fear No More, and Finding Your Divine Peace).
God equipped us from birth with everything that we need to live a successful life. We started out whole, and our path was set before us:
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous – how well I know it.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Ps. 139:13 – 16. NLT
Yes, we’ve done some flawed thinking and committed some unsound actions; but who we are has always been perfect, good enough, loveable and acceptable. From all the work that we have been doing, we are ready to do the things that keep us in the present moment and release all our efforts to control life and eliminate change, in our old relentless quest for security.
‘Change’ is a critical part of life. And life cannot be controlled. To resist that which cannot be resisted, will most assuredly flood you with feelings of helplessness and unworthiness. Out of that, is why you created your mask in the first place – hoping it would bring you acceptance.
We are all created to be far more than just acceptable. As a true extension of God, through Christ, we were made perfect. There is nothing to improve. And seeing as how we are graced with Divine approval; we need not seek it elsewhere. There is nothing to prove.
The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Ps. 27:1, 2. NLT
Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions. Pr. 18:2 NLT
Living an extraordinary life is not founded upon what you have. Its richness is had by letting go – releasing your false self, your self-condemnation, the non-existent past, the nebulous future and your unworkable coping patterns.
What had heretofore kept you a prisoner was not life; it was your resistance to it that was spawned in that war you were waging in your head. At that root of that, was your old desire for control. When you let that go, you will have infinite freedom to embrace life in every moment.
Be the master of your thinking. Invalidate the negativity and fear and focus upon thoughts of love. That is where truth rests. You get what you put your attention on. The power is within you. You’ve seen how you created your past life; you can create anew.
Think in terms of ‘completeness,’ e.g. ‘I am peaceful,’ not ‘I am somewhat peaceful.’ Compared to what? Your focus is drawn to the ‘what.’
Bring each day into single-mindedness by asking yourself, ‘I have ___ in my life because…’ and ‘I don’t have ___ in my life because…’ These questions reveal whatever emotional charges that you are bringing to your day, so that you can make any mental alterations to enhance your experience.
Finally, ask yourself uplifting questions: ‘How can I share myself today?’ ‘How can I reflect total love?’ ‘How does Jehovah want me to serve Him today?’ ‘Where do I want to place my focus?’
You may experience fear in this process of waking up, because your entire life was an expression of your false self-image. Keep that in mind. You never needed it and most people saw through it anyway. God created you to be magnificent. Embrace that gift within you.
We are in midst of burning off the dross that the world contaminated us with. Also, we are turning our eyes towards God, soliciting His redemption, which He lovingly and freely gives:
…God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Phil. 1:6 NLT
So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of Lord. And the Lord – who is the Spirit – makes us more and more like him as we are changed into His glorious image. 2 Cor. 3:18 NLT
When we stop condemning ourselves, we become the recipients of God’s mercy. We are a creation of His love. Nothing that we have done, or had done to us, would ever make us unlovable in His eyes. As we receive and give that same love and acceptance, the dark mind within us withers into insignificance (see Letting Go of the Mask 1, 2 and 3).
You deserve a love-filled life. It is your birthright. You don’t need to earn it. Only open your heart to receive it.
You don’t need anyone’s approval for being yourself. You don’t need fixing or punishment. When you struggled in the past, it was because you had an issue that was difficult for you, not because there was anything wrong with you. Bring all the pain from that past life and lay that burden at the feet of Jesus. Healing will follow…
If we support ourselves 100%, it won’t matter what others do. We must give ourselves compassion and let it spill over onto everyone around us. From that same compassion, we must forgive ourselves and others, which we can only do if we stop judging.
Forgiveness heals our entire persona, freeing us from feeling that we have to hide from life. It also keeps us from re-salting old wounds and from the urge to retaliate.
You are new in every moment. AWESOME! There are no dues to pay, no suffering that you must endure, no ideal you must meet. You made all that stuff up. As you begin to engage with your real self, there will be no need to lie, the crush of judgment on your heart will be lifted, and you’ll be living the dream.
Once in a while, ego will check in, just to see if you have given him a place to roost. Just notice it, acknowledge it as ‘meaningless and untruthful thinking, and it’s volume and your response to it will continue to diminish.
THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN’T LET GO OF! As you become adept at meditation, you will be able to let go of anything, anywhere, at any time.
Be your own best friend. Let your spirit be your guide and your true self will provide all the love, peace and joy that you need, even much more, so that you can share.
It doesn’t matter what’s going on around you. Keep walking the God path, the one that assures peace and joy. Pay attention. You are responsible for the way that you live your life. Create your life lovingly.
Jehovah sees you ‘pure’ for His sake. He renders you Holy, through Christ, so that you can stand in His presence, huddled in His glory. He never meant for your life to be burdensome.
When we sit still, we can converse with our Creator. Then, we can come home to ourselves, our divine light will drive out all the darkness and project the love of Christ in and around us.
You are an image of the Father. The only thing you ever had to do was to become yourself. As you come to know, love and accept yourself, your world will transform. In that world, you will be living as a radiant child of God, living life as the real you – mask-less
Finally, you will know who you are...
Goodnight and God bless.