Earlier this week, a colleague sent me a joke that was circulating on the internet. Peruse it immediately below. I hope that you are offended:
It snowed last night…
We received about 2 inches of snow yesterday and
8:00 a.m.: I made a snowman
8:10: A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.
8:15: So, I made a snow woman.
8:17: My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman’s voluptuous chest saying it objectified women everywhere.
8:20: The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snowmen instead.
8:22: The transgender man… woman… person asked why I didn’t just make one person with detachable parts.
8:25: The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and are not used to decorate snow figures.
8:28: I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:30: I used food coloring to make one of the snow couple a different color and be more racially inclusive.
8:37: Then I was accused of using black face on the snowperson.
8:39: The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be completely covered.
8:40: The police arrived saying someone had been offended.
8:42: The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43: The ‘council on equality’ officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.
8:45: TV news crew from CBC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snowwomen? I replied ‘snowballs’ and am now a sexist.
9:00: I was on the news as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe, and sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather
9:10: I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29: Far left protestors offended by everything marched down the street demanding that I be arrested.
9:45: The boss called and fired me because of the negative association with work that had been all over social media.
10:00: I cry into my drink because all I wanted to do was build a snowman…
Moral: There ain’t no moral to this story. It is what this world has become because of a bunch of snowflakes.
I will admit, it first brought me a little mirth. But then, I was saddened and angered at a place deeper than I’ve ever felt – realizing the measureless decadent, immoral, insufferable, entitled, and violent cesspool that this great country has become.
And you and I stood by and watched and let it happen. Why? Because we forgot to always ask ourselves, ‘What does God say?’
It began in the Garden when Adam and Eve succumbed to their pride. It crawled into their progeny when Cain killed Abel. The moral degradation oozed like hot lava over the entire globe and God snuffed it out and gave us another chance with Noah.
Humankind is ‘stiff-necked,’ as God likes to say. They succumbed again to their own flesh and Jehovah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
Slavery covered the earth thousands of years before it occurred in America, and it still does – despite the bull refuse distributed by the Lincoln Project, whose co-founder accosted 21 young males for sex.
God then began to tighten things up, by issuing the Ten Commandments. It did not take the people too long to break them, but Moses saved their behinds for a little while. Obviously, they were sinning in many deviant ways, as He also issued prohibitions against incest, homosexuality, and bestiality. Not a stellar bunch of folks.
There were multiple cycles of sinful and rebellious behavior during the time of the judges, now including idolatry. After the death of King Solomon, the behavior of the people was so bad, that God let the Assyrians take Israel captive and the Babylonians captured Judah. The people were punished for over 70 years.
When they returned to Israel, they were under Medo-Persian rule, and then were conquered by Syria, then the Greeks, and finally the Roman empire, which would remain in effect even as Christ showed up.
Sin remained rampant. However, now Jesus codified all moral behavior, so that any excuse to do otherwise was non-existent.
The Romans were in power throughout the timeframe of the writing of the New Testament from the Holy Spirit-inspired content of the prophets.
Leaving Middle Eastern-centered history, the Roman Empire began to falter from invasions of the Visigoths in the late 400s, but was ultimately decimated in the mid 500s, due to infighting between the Western and Eastern Roman Empires.
At that point, Europe plunged into the Dark Ages, when again, all morality was trampled upon. It began to turn in the 9th century, leading to the Renaissance, (even though it included the horrific wars of the Crusades).
In the 16th century, there were numerous Portuguese and Spanish visits to what would become the U.S., but few lasting colonies. In the 17th and 18th centuries, France, England, Spain, and the Dutch were swarming over the North American continent. And that is when the miracle began…
Following the successful colonization of Jamestown, Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, our country began to take shape – ultimately becoming the United States. This being the only country ever, in the entire world, to be founded upon a government by the people and upon the populace having inalienable rights given by God Himself: stating that all people are created equal, and that we have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Here were a people that asked, ‘What does God say?’
This is why the whole world wants to emigrate here. So why would we want to change that to suit some malcontents who prefer a socialist anarchy?
Yes, we had slaves, just like the rest of the world. Horrific? Without a doubt. Were they treated poorly and looked down upon? Unfortunately. Did people of color have a corner on the market in this regard? Not.
Both the Irish and the Italians were treated poorly because of their ‘differences.’ People are afraid of ‘different’ until they realize that they are not.
To illustrate the greatness of America, 642,000 Union soldiers died or were wounded to set the slaves free. (If you read the Marxist distorted A People’s History of the United States, you would be presented with the lie that President Lincoln cared nothing about freeing the slaves.)
When immigrants came, they made a concerted effort to learn English and assimilate into the America culture. There was not ‘_____ – Americans,’ we were all just Americans.
We were a people of God, goodwill and love towards our brothers and sisters around the world: 117,000 U.S. soldiers died in WW1, 407,000 killed in WW2, 671,000 wounded – all to liberate Europe from the evil killers: Kaiser, Hitler, Stalin, and the Pacific from the Japanese Imperial regime. (Again, if you read the Marxist false historian, Howard Zinn, you would conclude that we and our allies were just as evil as those murderers).
Our soldiers battled against the threat of communist takeover, giving up 37,000 American lives in the battle against North Korea and China, and 58,000 in Vietnam. (Once again, the leftists say that it was not a battle to curtail communism, but to spread American imperialism. Perhaps they should go and live in those countries. I don’t think they would be missed.)
Again, our country was listening to what God said. We went to the aid of others.
We still had civil and racial unrest to be sure. I believe it was brought to a head by the assassination of Martin Luther King. Serious reconciliatory work began.
Unfortunately, there was also another movement in the mix. The hippies. I should know, I was in the ‘groove.’ They were harmless enough, but they grew into adults, or at least very poor representatives of them. Being very self-centered, they pretty much let their children raise themselves, and trusted the school system to do the rest. If there was a problem, they coddled their kids so that they wouldn’t be upset. Anything goes, and it did.
The public school system was very good; but now, it was being infiltrated from the top down with leftist radical, communist, socialist, American-hating instructors. This happened in the universities as well. And we turned our backs, thinking all was good.
Then, something happened politically. It was a major response against the deep state wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. (They love to keep us in perpetual war to keep making money, and to keep people distracted from the problems at home).
Suddenly, a black man showed up on the presidential ticket. And President Obama won by a landslide. It was a great thing for black America, and it was way past time. He was supercool, a great orator, and had the impression of a man of peace.
The funny thing was that nobody ever heard of him. He was born of a white American mother and a black Kenyan father who left. His mother remarried and the family lived in Indonesia where he attended Catholic and Muslim schools, at ages 6 – 10. Afterwards, he lived with his white, secular grandparents. So, he had many influences.
He graduated with a political science degree and took a job as a ‘community organizer’ in Chicago. Then, he procured a law degree at Harvard. He became a senator in Illinois and first rose to prominence as the keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, where he notably said, “There’s not a liberal America and a conservative America. There’s not a black American and white America and Latino America and Asian America. There’s a United States of America.”
It is so unfortunate that, as President, he would never live by that declaration. His wife hated America, she said so. Then, he made many inflammatory remarks during black arrests / shootings, beginning with Trayvon Martin. He destroyed all the good racial reconciliatory work that had been done since the demise of Martin Luther King. He became the ‘divider-in-chief.’
And here we are, in a race war once again. Everyone is screaming about reparations from people who never lived during the time the evils were committed. Now, everyone is a ‘racist.’ Regardless of what the argument is about, even it’s not about race. The left calls you racist just to shut you up. Just look at the modern-day race baiters, the so called ‘Squad’ in congress, and Al Sharpton who lives off his peoples’ pain.
What does God say?
From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. Acts 17:26 NLT
The color of one’s skin is irrelevant. To concentrate on it and divide by it, is racist.
Because we sheltered our children from the real world, they need ‘safe spaces’ to keep from being ‘triggered.’ They are soft little squishes, that because they are bored. Coupled with their American-hating brainwashing, they then go to join Antifa so that they can burn stuff.
These same white punks, want to be hip: so they join the BLM movement, apologizing for their whiteness, and burn some more stuff. Don’t think for a minute that BLM cares anything about black lives. This Marxist outfit only wants power and money. Ask the co-founders who are living so high on the hog.
Last year, the left promoted violence, and stood by and watched, while people were being killed and buildings were burned. The perpetrators should have been thwarted savagely. It never would have happened again.
What do you think God says? Whatever it is, we’re not living by it.
The leftist radicals want to tear apart the moral fabric of this nation and replace with a gulag. Look at what they are doing to our children: they kill our babies; they covertly coach our young sons and daughters to change sexes and help them begin to do so. How is that not a high crime? It is in God’s eyes.
God says husband / wife, boy / girl; 2 sexes. Biology, genetics and cytology bears this out. Yet, what is going on? Parents that want to be high on the social circle, dress up their children to suit their preferred choice of gender, and parade them around as little dolls, until they later commit suicide.
Our children are unprotected. They’re exposed to trans library days where the ultimate goal is to seat the innocent children on the deviant’s lap. Or they turn a blind eye as daughters are exposed to sexual predators in the bathroom, even raped, (ask Loudon County).
Don’t agree with any of this? Be careful. Child services will take them away if you don’t use the right pronouns. School boards will call the police. The DOJ will brand concerned parents as ‘domestic terrorists.’
And with the advent of social media, every brainless loser out there can strike at you anonymously, in an effort to ‘cancel’ you. Cowards all.
What if you are a Christian? Look out. You know, church attendance is down, pastors are quitting. America was founded upon Christian ideals, yet the influence of Christians has waned.
And there are elements within the U.S. that are hostile towards us, even though our only crime is to try to hang onto what our Creator has clearly stated is His created reality.
We must stand by the word of God over that of humankind in all situations; and there is no shame or prejudice in doing so. All of us must persist in preaching the Gospel – for their sake.
Forget about being accepted, about being politically correct. Bring them to the water; it is up to them to decide whether to drink or not.
Lastly, all these horrific events are accelerating exponentially under this present administration.
This president, who is clearly not running things, and his inept cabinet, and the devil-spawn in congress (e.g., Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Cheny), are hell-bent to destroy this country. They’re desperate.
Their time is short. They know no one wants what they are doing. Everything Biden was told to do, has miserably failed: defunding the police, Afghan pullout, all foreign policy, the economy, the open border – all of it. Now, they are trying to rig the elections forever.
A reckoning is coming. They got rid of all of Trump’s workable policies, just because they hate him. Why? Because he wouldn’t play ball. So, they played the now-debunked Russia hoax and associated false impeachments; and they are trying to play the same lies over January 6th. They have 1000s of hours of video. Why don’t they release it? Despicable.
Does this seem like a Happy New Year for America? Not even close. Would you like one?
We will have to stand up. Return to church. Be a parent who shows up. Join the school board and local governments. Run for office. Make your voice heard. Vote (and try to help get ‘Blockchain’ voting machines in place. Impossible to cheat.) Don’t let the government overreach. Do not comply. Write your congressman daily. Strike back, but with love. We hate the sin but love the sinner. Don’t back down on your values. This country is worth taking back. Let’s do this together.
Most of all, let us ask God what He says, and do it…
Goodnight and God bless.