Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Pr. 22:6 NLT
“But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them onto your children and grandchildren.” Dt. 4:9 NLT
The godly walk with integrity; blessed are the children who follow them. Pr. 20:7 NLT
The best way to stop our age-old adversary dead in his tracks, is by equipping our children with the truth – by keeping them consciously aware, creating a safe home environment, teaching them to trust their heart, and by helping them see the strength of God within them.
If we want to raise conscious (godly) children, we ourselves need to become conscious parents first, so that we don’t infect our kids with our old unconsciousness. We need to think and model the way that we want out children to be.
How does that look? Mom and Dad need to co-create a home filled with peace, love, joy, and exhortation. It is a place that nurtures a thriving family, in an environment free of hostile conflict. This helps create an atmosphere where the children can immerse themselves in the experience of being a child as long as possible.
‘Family’ is the single most important and sacred expression of relationship. God created it through His first established institution – marriage.
The commitment to a sound marriage is inviolate in the minds and hearts of conscious parents. Their children draw strength from that commitment, which forms a bedrock that they can cling to. It is a template that is planted in their consciousness, from which they can successfully base their future relationships upon.
Conscious parents spend time with their kids rather than shipping them off to government-indoctrinating preschools or afterschool programs or force them into playing a sport they have no interest in. This is just an exercise in trying to vicariously satiate the hole an unconscious parent has in their own childhood history.
Mindful moms and dads express their love for one another in front of their children, setting the example by practicing loving speech, leaving no room for criticism, sarcasm, or disrespect. We don’t want to be just another generation passing on the ignorance and hurts to their kids (see What Are We Teaching Our Children?).
Yet, we must inform them of the deleterious mindset that grips so many unfortunate people. With that precious knowledge, they can learn to fill their own hearts with selflessness, compassion, goodness, and gain a desire to sow these good seeds in others.
Children are miniature versions of ourselves. They want the same things: love, acceptance, understanding and acknowledgment. As parents, we need to give them those things, as well as letting them see us giving them to our spouse. We can help them be peace and love, by letting them see that in us.
Tell them that your love will never be withdrawn, just like the love of their heavenly Father. Teach them that who they are is totally lovable, and that all they need to do in life is apply their best efforts.
Admit to your children that you don’t have all the answers. It makes you more human and takes the pressure off everyone. You can come together as a family to pray to the One who does have them.
Inform your kids that life is sometimes difficult, and that they will make mistakes. Whatever the outcomes, they only constitute lessons to be learned. Regardless, let them know that who they are remains unflawed. In fact, tell them that they are a unique gift from God to this world – just like everybody else.
Break bread as a family. Mealtime provides for bonding, structure, routine and increases a child’s vocabulary. It allows them to be a child a little while longer yet instructs them in civility. The children learn to eat healthier and to solve problems better. And everyone gets to know each other on a deeper level.
What mealtime is not, is a place for media distractions, e.g., TV and phones, which only lead to inattentiveness, a lack of imagination, and they lose their connection with the juice of life.
Make home a place that your kids want to be. Make it fun, interesting, and exciting, through your interactions with them. Strive to make their experience transcend your childhood.
Children will be children. The tools they have are limited by the level of their maturity. There will be infractions. Mom and Dad need to confront them as a united front with regards to discipline. Noncompliance must always have consequences, in exactly the way that you told them would take place – but always delivered with love and forgiveness.
Parents must enforce their own boundaries, so that the children will also learn to respect their own boundaries as well as those belonging to others.
A child cannot get too much love. Praise them for who they are. Let them see the joy that they bring you. You are their world. They would be lost without you. That’s why it is such an abomination when parents are cruel to their kids.
As you’ve learned, a child does not blame their parents for any atrocities they may commit against them; they blame themselves. Your children need to know that you are a safe refuge in times of trouble. If they don’t feel that way, they will turn to someone or something else for comfort.
Give your children your full attention. It teaches them the value of living in the present moment. Help them channel their interests into beneficial and moral pursuits. Impress upon them a love for learning. As we teach them, we must evaluate the contents of what we are teaching, by asking ourselves, ‘How is my child likely to interpret what I am saying?’ ‘What will it cost them to do what I want?’ The right outcome from both questions would be ‘in ways that make them grow.’
Finally, instruct your babies to trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and to seek their true self-worth from God.
We cannot be perfect parents, but we can give them perfect love…
Goodnight and God bless.