Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” Gn. 1:28 NLT
“This is My commandment, that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another, just as I have loved you.” Jn. 15:12 AMP
“Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.” Lk. 6:31 AMP
Our Creator gave us a mandate to execute good stewardship over the earth and its inhabitants. His Son commanded us to love one another. We are failing on many fronts…
Over the millennia, humankind has brought the world to the brink of destruction. God has lovingly kept that at bay. However, He will not do that forever. Near the end of time, He will allow most of the people to damn themselves to ruin. (Rv. 6:12 – 17.) Guess what? We haven’t a clue when that end will come.
Yet, given the weapons that the world possesses, we are closer than we’ve ever been. However, we’ve had them for quite some time. So why now? It’s because the greedy and evil weapon wielders, (politicians), and their self-centered subjects, have created an end-times scenario.
First, we have a cabal (World Economic Forum) of ultra-rich so-called ‘elitists’ (e.g., Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, etc.) who lust after a ‘great reset’ that would in effect, give them ultimate rule. One of their adherents, the ape woman, Meave Leakey, would have 90% of the world’s population annihilated to help reach their goal.
Let us not forget the genetic alteration of our foodstuffs, or the sudden discovery of manufactured viruses; oh sorry, they came from wet market bats, right? How about the food crisis or the supply chain disaster – you think that could be planned? Duh.
Steadily forward they press because they face no real resistance…
Secondly, we have mad dictators, e.g., Putin, Zelensky, Trudeau, Xi Jinping, Maduro, Kim Jong-Un, Khamenei, and whoever it is that is pulling Biden’s strings. All these bad actors are rattling their sabers at each other and against the United States. A wrathful circus of egos and weapons of mass destruction.
That is our ‘outside’ danger. Why has that come to be? Because of the killing of America from within.
Let’s face it. Biden has been a total failure. We don’t know who to really blame, because it’s been obvious that there is nobody home in his head. That’s not his fault. He’s old and stricken with dementia. Still, he is certainly not capable of running our country.
He was hand-picked to be a puppet. It was elder abuse from the beginning. That’s why his ‘handlers’ kept him in the basement during his election. Think about that. How could he have possibly won in 2020? I think there were two factors: election tampering, and the Left’s ginned up lies about Russia collusion along with their media whores – preying upon the hatred of Trump, in their ignorant and brain-washed constituency.
So, here we are. A weak leader, shaking hands with the air, and talking to the dead. All those threatening dictators see this weakness, and they are exploiting it. There would have been no ‘threats’ in the previous administration.
Compound that with Biden’s (really his puppet master’s), devastating foreign policy. Giving billions to Iran, so that they can continue to be the world’s leader in supporting terrorism world-wide, and give them what they need, to build a nuclear arsenal. And the first place they’ll aim it is either at Israel, or us, or both. Yes, Biden and his party are full-on anti-Semites.
What about emptying our coffers to support Ukraine. That is a war between two corrupt factions. It is not our war. And yet Biden is throwing our money away and our country is suffering. Biden started out talking about peace, but he is now preparing us for a nuclear apocalypse.
When the president goes abroad, he is an international embarrassment. Again, out of his control; but we shouldn’t let the fate of the world depend upon his tenuous grip on the nuclear football.
What about him sending our precious oil reserves to China? God only know what he owes to the Communist party. They and the Ukraine are both running cover for he and Hunter’s money-grabbing shenanigans.
Biden’s support for the Palestinians threatens to sever our relationship with our staunchest ally – Israel.
He threatens to support Taiwan, but turns a blind eye to the raw injustices committed against the Chinese people, perpetrated upon them by the CCP.
There’s so much failure. How about our soldiers killed in his devasting and poorly planned exit from Iraq?
Biden isn’t the only disaster. I believe that he is eclipsed by his vice president. She is way out of her depth. All word salad. What a perfect descriptor.
The Democratic party supports all the above disasters.
The killing of America from within, began decades ago, when Communist college professors infested our universities, and indoctrinated their students. This has trickled down now to kindergarten, as freaks attempt to pervert our children. And it’s working…
Speaking of the Democratic party, it is they, in lockstep with Biden, who are the gravest threat to the United States. In less than 3 years, they’ve wreaked havoc with everything that is good about this country.
Biden started it on day one of his presidency by removing any policy that Trump had implemented – many of which put this country on its greatest footing in history. And he only did it out his and his party’s hate for ‘all things Trump’. How’s that working for you?
In less that 30 days, you will have a chance to play your part by voting the ‘Demokrats’ out of power.
If you think they deserve to remain in power, let’s review their sacred idols:
- Abortion: The Democratic party lies to its own constituency. There never was a Constitutional law enshrining the ability to kill a child. Roe v. Wade was an unconstitutional (faulty) legislative construct. So, the Supreme court fixed it, by giving the authorization to abort, back to the states – just as the Constitution dictates.
No woman has lost her ability to murder her child. That may happen in some states. It is just such a sacrifice for her to have to cross state lines to end her child’s life. And, you’ve got that monster, Gavin Newsome, who will pay your way to get your California dream – the same monster who has granted the infanticide of the child after it’s born.
“You shall not commit murder (unjustified, deliberate, homicide).” Ex. 20:13 AMP
It is obvious what side of the fence I sit. However, I do believe it should be an option in the case of rape, incest, or if the birth presents a life-threatening event to the mother.
- Governmental totalitarianism: Forcing children to stay home with failed Zoom classrooms have scarred them for life – drugs, alcohol, depression, social media corruption. They will never make up for their lost education. (Mainly driven by the purulent Teacher’s Union – who holds the government by their genitals). The only good that came out of it, was the uncovering of the horrors of what constitutes public school teaching. What was Biden’s answer?To sick the FBI on the ‘domestic terrorists’ – concerned parents who dared to protest.
Direct your children on the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Pr. 22:6
Totalitarianism again raises its ugly head in the weaponization of Biden’s FBI, CIA, DOJ, and his entire cabinet. Citizens are facing horrific violations of their rights.
- Lies Biden and his Demokrats tell: The list is so long. Let’s just take a sampling. The worst is the January 6th hoax. Yes, it happened. A handful of bad actors, most of whom were leftist activists who incited the people to do damage. Pelosi turned down Trump’s offer for security. The capitol police let the protestors in. He was still giving his speech when the dustup began. Most of them were peaceful bystanders. No police died as a direct result of violence – more lies. The only murder was committed by office Michael Byrd, who shot an unarmed Ashli Babbit. This was planned by the left. To call it an insurrection is a farce. And where is the justice for those innocents that they keep in solitary, in gulag conditions, for almost 3 years now, without bail?Worse, is the fecal show that Liz Cheney, daughter of the war monger, Dick, (yes, we do have some bad people pretending to be republicans), presenting false evidence that is easily debunked, presenting many people who lied, and are not given cross-examination (no truth-telling here). She is supported by that gluteal pimple, Adam Schiff, who is the King of lies, just like his father. All of this is a distraction – to paint a false narrative, and to keep our attention off all the Democrat failures.
How about Hunter’s laptop – suppressed during Biden’s election, by the media lacky that sucks at the democrats’ teats. Russian collusion? Not a shred of evidence. Ukraine phone call? Old Pimple, he concocted Trump’s supposed conversation. Peter Strzok? Liar. James Comey? Liar. James Clapper? Liar.
“You shall not testify falsely [that is, lie, withhold, or manipulate the truth] against your neighbor (any person).” Ex. 20:16
- Economic policies: Biden and his cronies in congress, with some RINOs, are on a spending orgy. Lockdown relief checks, paid abortion, vast sums to Planned Parentless, gain of function organism research for bioweapons, wasting money on what they are calling vaccines (which aren’t – they would have to keep you from being infected and stop the spread, which it doesn’t). Whatever it is, the shot has horrendous effects, e.g., myocarditis.
The economy is upside down, yet Biden will look you in the eye and say it’s great. He probably shops the same ice cream store as Pelosi. Ask the middle class. Highest inflation in 40 years – at the gas pump, grocery store, utilities and more.
We had the best economy in the history of the world with the last administration. Biden destroyed it all, only to spite our last real president’ and to kowtow to the radical left; all the Demokrats are surging in this direction.
How did he do that? By destroying our energy sector. Putting thousands and thousands of people out of work – by shutting down pipelines, drilling, fracking, when we have hundreds of years of supply. All of this, so he can be AOC’s hero for her foolhardy ‘Green New Deal.’ The results of this will affect the entire globe. Many will be without power, at risk for death in inclement weather.
I don’t mind the concept of ‘green energy’, but it will be decades before it is efficient. We should embrace our fossil fuels until the day comes. Biden and that other airhead, Buttiigieg, screams at us to buy electric cars. Well, only a small percentage of the population can afford them. The electric grid cannot support them. Oh, and one other annoying fact, electricity is produced by fossil fuel.
Supply chain constraint? First time in my 70-year existence. Either poor planning or purposeful – to increase people’s dependency upon the government.
Digital money? Gives the government complete control over yours. Economic crisis is at hand…
If you have sinned in any of these ways, you are guilty. You must give back whatever you stole, or the money you took by extortion, or the security deposit, or the lost property you found, or anything obtained by swearing falsely. You must make restitution… Lv. 6:4, 5. NLT
- Education and bias: Our public schools, at the behest of Left-wing radicals, are teaching our children in ways that confuse them, lie to them, indoctrinate them, sexualize them, stigmatize them, and to make them hate the United States and create racists.
They fill them with bull about men having babies and periods, and that how you socially identify, is where your sex is at any one given moment, i.e., that gender is fluid. They say, ‘Look at the science!’ Ok. Science says there are only 2 sexes, XX and XY. Biological fact! Instead, they teach that who you are in your head, takes precedent over the way your body developed. The evil Teacher’s Union advances this, protecting teachers that teach that, and encouraging the narrative, in so far as to even instruct the children to keep what he or she is being taught, away from their parents.
And now all these transgender lies. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th addition, the statistics measuring true gender dysphoria, ranges from 0.005 to 0.014%! That’s almost nonexistent. So, what’s happening here? These teachers’ lies, have become a social construct. Children / teens are impressionable, and want to fit in.
Worst, there are ‘progressive’ (what an oxymoron) parents that strut their little experiments around, reaping social glamor off hormone blockers, breast removal, and mutilation of their child’s genitalia. There is also a high suicide rate for this group. This is all pushed by the alphabet soup group as well. Why? They want to legalize pedophilia. Don’t think so? Google NAMBLA. It’s group promoting sex between men and boys.
“It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin.” Lk. 17:2 NLT
Some schools are beginning to segregate kids in class, or when participating in events, or when placing them in dorm rooms, depending upon the color of their skin – teaching heresies like the 1619 project or CRT. The left is resurrecting racism. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling in his grave. It teaches victimhood, and equity over meritocracy – the center point of the American experience. OPPORTUNITY! And God forbid, if you should suffer from a lack of melanin. You are the leftist’s main target.
And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth… Acts 17.26 NKJV
- Lawlessness: Biden has defanged, defamed (just like Obama), and weakened our police, and making sissies out of are armed forces. He has filled this country with worthless leftist attorney generals, judges, and prosecutors, who don’t require bail, give light sentences, don’t prosecute, and let criminals go back on the streets to terrorize our citizens.
Violent crime is at a historical high – the highest being in blue states. And don’t forget the hundreds of riots that the ‘progressives’ called peaceful protests, as many businesses were burned to the ground.
The crime from Biden himself, is about his dividing our nation and causing rifts between its people, e.g., ‘’If you don’t vote for me, you aren’t black.” And that was before he was president.
- Open borders: Since Biden took office, FIVE MILLION illegal immigrants have invaded our country, with no resistance from the Border Patrol, because our ‘president’ has hamstrung them. There is no precedent for this blatant disregard for the safety of our citizens. Many terrorists, drug runners, gang members, and cartel are assaulting this country – because of Biden’s intentional invitation. Biden is fomenting lawlessness with a purpose. He doesn’t give a rat’s behind about these illegal opportunists. It’s not about helping those poor individuals looking for a better life. All the Demokrats want, is to fill the voting coffers with illegals, that they hope will vote for them.
So, what does Biden’s administration do? They make a mockery of what should be a major safeguard for the United States – our border. All illegals are welcomed in with no vetting for criminal backgrounds or health status. Asylums are guaranteed for all of them, regardless of the flimsiest excuse. Biden gives them free health care, a midnight relocation flight, free phone, free education, and housing subsidies – all at the taxpayer’s expense.
Who else is being hurt? The people that have waited for years to LEGALLY enter this country. I know of which I speak:
In 2009, my wife, (she a legal immigrant), who could not have children due to a medical condition, rented a room in the home of a family friend in Tijuana, Mexico, to care for who would become our adopted daughter, from a birth mother who could not care for her. That same year, we began to get ourselves qualified for an I-800A international adoption. Mind you, Mexican children are the most difficult to adopt. Don’t know why.
We were approved in 2010 to apply. We found an ‘adoption attorney’ in Tijuana, one of many crooked attorneys we had experienced on both sides of the border. The law moves slowly in Mexico. Our adoption was finalized in 2013. However, when my wife and daughter went to the U.S. embassy, they were turned away, because the attorney had lied to us, and procured a domestic Mexican adoption instead of an international one.
The I-800A was denied. Another crooked attorney, (American), suggested we get a visitor’s visa for our daughter. We were denied even that.
I went to the USCIS in Santa Ana, where the IQ of the staff was the equivalent of the DMV, who recommended I apply for an I-130, denied; an N-600K, denied. It is now 2016. My wife gets her U.S. citizenship.
I appeal to Bush. No help. Obama. No help. Trump: they get us all the way to where we can get an appointment at the consulate in Juarez. Covid closes the consulate for 2 years.
I appeal to Biden. Again, we get close to the consulate, but its closed again because of Biden’s purposeful and disastrously designed border invasion. So here we are. My youngest daughter is 19 years old and still trapped in Mexico, because I had the temerity to try to do this legally.
They say that continual stress can give rise to cancer. I am presently battling for my life in the presence of my third cancer in the last seven years – this one being the most severe.
I am praying that this horrific government will see their way to apply a little mercy and unite our family while I still draw breath…
So, I ask you, do you really want to keep monsters like this in office? Our country deserves so much better. I appeal to you democrats as well, those of you who do not walk arm in arm with your far-left radicals. Do the right thing and vote then out.
We all have a duty to God and country. Please, forward this post to everyone you know. Let’s give our country its life back…
Goodnight and God Bless